Types of bathsDepending on the state of the human body requires different kinds of baths.Salty. After the hard slog of good to take a bath salt - 250-500g of salt to the bath. The water temperature is 25-30°C. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. Bath can be taken once a week. After it is necessary to rinse the shower. These baths are useful to those who want to lose weight.
What would our body looked good, we must not only exercise , but also learn how to properly care for the skin. Scrub - this is the first mandatory procedure with which you should start if you want to get a result. I
can think of a few recipes the best body scrubs made from natural
products that can be easily made at home and after the application of
which , your skin will not look worse than after the use of expensive
scrubs in SPA- salons.