Greek yogurt face mask

Greek yogurt face mask

Greek yogurt face mask parsleyParsley contains a high concentration of Vitamin C, has a high range of minerals and trace elements, and is one of the most over looked herbs. 

It is believed that Vitamin C aids in skin cell reproduction and repair.

Greek yogurt face mask vitamin C
It is also believed to stimulate collagen production and enhance the smoothness and elasticity of skin.

Best face mask for acne

Best face mask for acne

Best face mask for acne
Store-bought acne masks can prove effective, but they can also be expensive and can contain ingredients that may irritate some skin types. With acne-prone skin, it's often a good idea to keep it simple when it comes to skincare products, including facial masks. Many of the foods we eat contain nutrients and the ability to remove impurities from the skin, which makes them a great alternative to store-bought acne masks.

how to make homemade face masks for OILY SKIN

How to make homemade face masks for OILY SKIN

masks for OILY SKIN
No matter what type of skin you have, you can benefit from a face mask. Numerous face mask products are available on store shelves, but they may contain harsh chemicals that can actually irritate your skin as easily as they refresh it. Fortunately, you can find many items to benefit the skin right in your kitchen. Once you narrow down your skin type, making a homemade face mask requires nothing more than following a few simple steps.

how to make homemade face masks for Dry Skin

How to make homemade face masks for Dry Skin

How to make homemade face masksNo matter what type of skin you have, you can benefit from a face mask. Numerous face mask products are available on store shelves, but they may contain harsh chemicals that can actually irritate your skin as easily as they refresh it. Fortunately, you can find many items to benefit the skin right in your kitchen. Once you narrow down your skin type, making a homemade face mask requires nothing more than following a few simple steps.

Glytone - Exfoliating Body Wash

Glytone - Exfoliating Body Wash

What it is:
An exfoliating wash that leaves the body feeling freshly massaged and revitalized.

What it's used for:
Glytone Exfoliating Body Wash is designed to cleanse and soften the body while providing the exfoliating and revitalizing benefits of 8.8% glycolic acid. It removes excess oils, debris and dirt, leaving the body feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Unique gentle exfoliators softly shed old skin cells and awaken a rejuvenated new skin layer. Skin is radiant, soft and healthy.