Hey. The answer to the question How to make a very simple scrub. You can easily prepare at home scrub. You do not need for this complex components. All can be prepared from readily available resources. As an abrasive can use salt, coffee, sugar, nuts, shells, sand, and many other materials, which we discuss in the following posts. Natural exfoliant for the face are very helpful and available.
If you doubt that you can cook at home scrub, you can use professinal cosmetics. But I promise you that you can easily make a scrub yourself. I always warn you that you can not press hard on the scrub. Your movements should be gentle and careful, that would not damage the delicate skin. The particles are very sharp. Be careful.
Here's another recipe that you make at home easily.
You will need:
Sugar (5 tablespoons)
sour cream (1 tablespoon)
olive oil (1 tablespoon)
Mix these ingredients and ready to scrub!
If you would like more information on body scrubs and other skin treatments you may like to view the following Links: